Distribute the paper to colleagues, discuss it, and make revisions based on their comments.

An electronic version will be required if the paper is accepted for publication. If circumstances warrant, an author may submit a manuscript in printed form, in which three copies should be sent and these should be machine-printed and double-spaced. Microsoft Word is the preferred format for submission. Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts through the online submission system.
Author's full name, affiliation, mailing address, e-mail and phone must accompany any manuscript submission.Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the statements and statistics included.Papers presented at a conference should be identified with the conference name and date in the cover letter. They should not be previously published or considered by another publication until the review process is completed.

If you experience any difficulties or have any questions about submitting your manuscript, please contact the editor Kristen Totleben ( Submit original, unpublished manuscripts only. For additional guidance, please refer to the College & Research Libraries Guide for Authors & Reviewers. College & Research Libraries ( C&RL) uses the OJS web-based submission system to track and review manuscripts.